Getting De-railed

Anna's blog

Some Ruby / Rails / General Coding Resources

I keep getting asked what my favorite coding resources are, Rails or otherwise, so this is an attempt at keeping a running list, in no particular order. I fully intend to come back and edit this post as I stumbple upon new resources.

There are a lot of really great blogs from people writing Rails, and sometimes when googling something, I see amazingly written posts on fairly esoteric subjects. The resources below tend to be consistently good and conventional – and enough to keep new developers occupied for a long, long time.

Rails newsletters:

They have a lot of overlap, but since they come out on different days, sometimes it’s nice to see a reminder that I meant to read an article or explore a new gem.


General Resources:

  • CoderCareer – not Ruby/Rails-specific, but lots of cool content discussing coding interview questions and how to answer them. Gets updated very rarely though.

  • Ignita – also rarely updated, also lots of cool content.

  • A Tornado of Razorblades by Adam Wiggins, a founder of Heroku. – also rarely updated, also pretty cool.


  • Justin Weiss. Updated less often than many people would like, but still an amazing read.

  • Thoughtbot blog. Those are the guys behind FactoryGirl and Paperclip and many, many other projects. Enough said.

  • Official Rails Weblog – great way to get a gist on what is happening in Rails.

  • Ruby on Rails subreddit – not the best daily read, and it’s too easy to get distracted by the cat memes in other subreddits, but cool to check out once in a while.

  • RubyFlow – community-sourced. Content varies from “what’s new in Rails 5” to discussing very technical subjects.

  • RubyInside – archive of some cool reads.

  • Blog by Arkency, a dev shop. These guys know what they are talking about.